Ines and Garcin

Two characters, a man, Garcin and a woman, Ines, have been convicted to eternal mutual life in Hell where they recreate conditions of a close and inevitable relationship between two people in an extreme way. The performance bitterly hints that we exist only through and owing to others, whose perception and judgement defines us. A true punishment of Hell comes out of this metaphor of reality: to be conditioned by the presence and judgement of the other, from whom we long for attention and recognition, aware that whatever we do, the last word always belongs to the other.
The game of needing and rejection. This ’inevitable game’ of relationship with the other doesn’t ever end, just like Hell, and becomes a punishment and a challenge at the same time. A great challenge of life. There are no winners or losers. Only humans.
The dramaturgy of the performance wishes to point out to this metaphor which is apparently bitter, which could and should present an important hint for thinking about conditioning of our freedom, but also to encourage an active and constructive reviving of those conditions.
The other is my Hell, and at the same time the other is my mirror.
Perhaps only that way we can know life better, discover whether it is a dream or not, and go beyond... ourselves...
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Ines and Garcin is a theatrical performance, based on a free adaptation of Jean Paul Sartre’s text ’Behind Closed Doors’.
Directed by Massimo Giannetti, performed by Daniela Damiani and Saverio Fiano
Associazione Artistico - Culturale ALETHEIA, VIA LUIGI BERTELLI, 16, 20127 Milan, Italia, + 39 02 289 642