- The attitude (ethos)
- Voice and the word (logos)
- Involvement (pathos)
- Spontaneity and improvisation (creativity)
- Self-control and managing emotions
- Elements of the communicative message (word, gesture, expression)
- Attention to feed-back (the return message)
- The energy and psychophysical positivity
- Other specific elements related to the particular activity of Participants

It’s absolutely known that, almost day after day, the role of Educator, in the social and professional context in which he/she operates, is becoming increasingly complex.
It is useless to confront here the causes and processes that have led to creation of this situation, but it is evident that the situation of hardship and difficulties in the activities of teaching leads to deleterious effects on the objectives that should be specific in such a fundamental social function: the growth of the students in human and cultural point of view, the creation of harmonious and cooperative relation among students as well as with the teaching staff.
This project, already proven in different school and training contexts, can help the educator in the hard and sometimes ungrateful task to draw attention and interest and at the same time be able to transmit those principles and fundamental contents for the growth and inclusion in the social context.
The general principle of the process of work concerns the Behavior, Human Quality of the Educator concerning Interpersonal Relationship with the students.
In particular, the work that is proposed concerns the entire process of the Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, which is analyzed and developed in the following specific issues:
The proposed work consists of theoretical part, but above all practical exercises and simulations, tending to make known and develop their own capacity to apply the principles and techniques of an Effective Communication, during the hours of the lessons and throughout the entire course of the Interpersonal Relation between the educator and the participants.
The project has a duration from minimum of 15 hours, divided in sessions of three hours each, to a maximum of 30 hours.
The number of participants can not exceed 20 units.
Cultural-Artistic Association Aletheia for education
Associazione Artistico - Culturale ALETHEIA, VIA LUIGI BERTELLI, 16, 20127 Milan, Italia, + 39 02 289 642