Theatre in Schools
The content of the project "Human Growth Playing Theatre" works on elements like: energy, attention, confidence, spirit of collaboration, initiative, enthusiasm, courage, but also reflection, capacity to concentrate, imagination, creativity and intuition, which students will need more and more in the process of personal growth and interpersonal and professional relationships.
More analytically the work intervenes on the following aspects:

- Expansion of receptive and expressive abilities of the body: through exercises, works and experiences aimed at awareness and psycho-physical management of the different parts of the body, the development of one’s own propensity for the initiative with movements which aim to the widening of gestures; observing and breaking the first elementary psychological limits (attitudes, tiredness, stereotyped actions, fears, shyness, etc..) with a work on managing and involvement of all parts of the body; beginning of the work on education about body language for the purposes of a creative and conscious communication.
- Intervention on the vocal expressive potential: through individual and collective exercises of communication and vocal interactions, suitable to develop strength, intentionality and variety of voice, as well as a more conscious and diverse use of the voice as instrument and of the word.
- Interaction with the reality at different levels of complexity: through the creation of specifically designed "theatrical" situations, in which the themes of communication and relationship with the "other" (male and female companion, - element of the opposite sex - a friend, a parent, the unknown, etc..), as well as with the group, space, objects, sounds, images, emerge and evolve.
- • To enable the students to live the exciting experience of preparing and presenting a real theatrical performance, which implies the need to share goals, to accept their own responsibilities, to maintain their commitments.
Our Organization has developed, over time, and continues to develop, simple and flexible dramaturgies of performances that allow students to work on the above points, depending on the level of experience and maturity that they had achieved.
Associazione Artistico - Culturale ALETHEIA, VIA LUIGI BERTELLI, 16, 20127 Milan, Italia, + 39 02 289 642