I Say, therefore I am!
A group of people, becoming conscious of banality of their own living, and of necessity to search for (the) other possibilities, withdraws in an undefined space, dedicating to reading and studying, in order to discover what the life is.
But for understanding what the life is, shouldn't we live it? Also they thought of this, but then they have discovered that for knowing it, it is not necessary to live it, but to observe it, study it, try it.
And so they face the great themes of the life: freedom, happiness, God, death, love, good and evil, beauty, truth, stimulated by “Brothers Karamazov” of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
They will discover that there is still much work to do, but that a full life can be reached starting to say words that have said the great ones: full words, absolute words, strong words. Yes... not “I think, therefore I am”, but “I say, therefore I am!!!”

Associazione Artistico - Culturale ALETHEIA, VIA LUIGI BERTELLI, 16, 20127 Milan, Italia, + 39 02 289 642